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Data Science Workgroup Meeting

Today we had out first Data Science Work Meeting for CSU East Bay Statistics students and students from other Departments who are interested in Data Science.

Most of the meeting about what I have been thinking about and preparing so we can move forward with the Data Science Workgroup this year. This is the next step in the evolution of the CSU East Bay Data Science Club from 2015-2016 and the informal Hadoop cluster building project from 2014-2016 (I should post a picture of the running cluster someday).

First, thank you to everyone who was involved in setting up and participating in the delivery of the events last year.

Second, thank you to the students who met to discuss the future of the Data Science Workgroup early this academic year.

During Spring Quarter 2017 we have discussed:

1. Working on blog posts about interesting meetings, conferences, blogs, online educational opportunities, software, etc. Everyone should be thinking about a topic for a blog post about Data Science, Machine Learning, Analytics, R, python, SQL, etc.

2. Developing a plan for a data project. Next week we will be discussing individual and group projects. These projects should be interesting outside of the classroom or extensions of classroom projects. The goal will be to have the work presented on github and to have a blog post about one's work.

3. Get accounts on some of the website that are useful for working in data science. Get and install R and RStudio. Get a github account. Become a member of, join some meetup groups. Get a LinkedIn account, if you do not already have one, join some LinkedIn groups related to data science. Get a datascience virtual machine (VM) from IBM's datascienceworkbench.

4. We should begin plans to contact guest speakers. I hope is that we have 1, but maybe up to 3 speakers this quarter.

See everyone next week.

If you do not following me to twitter. Check out my mini-tweet storm from this morning, Friday April 7, 2017.


eric.suess at

Department of Statistics and Biostatistics, CSU East Bay

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